Training Provider Designation | GPC-ISO, Auditor Certification

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Training Provider Designation

1. I want to register as a GPC training provider. What documents do I need?

When registering as a GPC training provider, the following materials must be submitted.
  • 1) Training provider operation manual and procedures
  • 2) Evaluation data of the instructor’s qualification (educational background, work experience, audit log, etc.)
  • 3) Textbook
  • 4) Training certificate sample

2. What is evaluated in the on-site audit after document review?

Evaluate training sites and examination procedures. GPC checks the suitability of the training environment, conducts interviews with the instructor and invigilator, and, if necessary, conducts a witness to the training.

3. What should be included in the training certificate?

The training certificate must include the following :
  • 1) The name of the student
  • 2) The name of the training provider
  • 3) The name of the training course
  • 4) The date of completion of the training
  • 5) Unique identification number
  • 6) The duration of the training course
  • 7) The issue date of the training certificate

4. I have registered for the ISO 9001 auditor training course, but I would like to add the ISO 14001 auditor training course. What documents do I need?

If you want to add training courses for a different standard, you will need submit training materials and evaluation data of the instructor’s qualification for the training courses you want to add.

5. Do I have to pay the annual fee every year after registering as a training provider?

The annual fee must be paid annually, and invoice is sent by e-mail in accordance with the annual cycle.