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Product Certification

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Name GPC인증원
Comment 0 View 2,047Time Date 22-03-04 10:03


Conformity assessment

Conformity assessment refers to activities that demonstrate whether the prescribed requirements for a product, process, system, personnel, or institution are met, and the areas include testing, inspection, product certification, management system certification, and personnel certification (certification for a person's specific qualification). As products and services become more technologically complex, demonstrating compliance with standards and other criteria attaches importance to consumer confidence. Conformity assessment is therefore an essential part of economic business, standards, and conformance infrastructure.

Conformity assessment< Conformity assessment >

Product certification

Product certification is the process by which a third party assures that a product meets specified requirements to ensure consumer trust in the product. Product Certification Bodies establish a product certification system in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065, and perform certification tasks to evaluate product quality, performance, safety, and confidence. ISO/IEC 17065 specifies the requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services, and was established for the competence, consistent operation, and impartiality of products certification bodies. Product certification fields include electronics, textiles, chemicals, food, etc.

Product certification< Product certification >

Global G.A.P. IFA CPCCs

GPC’s Accreditation Body, IAS, has signed and MLA with IAF for product certification, performing accreditation of product certification bodies. As the IAF MLA sub-scope, Global G.A.P. IFA(Integrated Farm Assurance) CPCCs is included. Global G.A.P. is an agri-food safety management certification system that covers good agricultural management standards for agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, and horticultural production. And CPCCs (Control Points and Compliance Criteria) stipulate the requirements to achieve the required quality standards. Global G.A.P IFA standards can help improve business performance by increasing agricultural production efficiencies and reducing waste of critical resources.

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